Interface BufWrapperOptions<Plugins>

Type Parameters

  • Plugins


  • BufWrapperOptions



oneConcat?: boolean

Whether or not to run the Buffer#concat method when writing. When set to true, you will have to call the BufWrapper#finish method to get the final buffer. (Making this true and calling) the BufWrapper#finish will increase performance. When set to false, the BufWrapper#finish method will throw an error and the Buffer#concat will be run every time you write something to the buffer.

plugins?: Plugins

Plugins you want to install on the BufferWrapper intance you are about to create


// Plugin we are creating
const BufWrapperPlugin = {
writeCustomType(data) {
// You can access the BufWrapper
// instance with the `this` keyword
readCustomType() {
// Do stuff
return someValue;

// Setting the first argument as null
// since we don't have any data yet
const buf = new BufWrapper(null, {
plugins: { BufWrapperPlugin }

// Call the plugin's method

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